Saturday, January 16, 2016

Baby Momma Drama FOR REAL!!!...(With help from her family)

No matter how many times our mothers may say..."Be careful dealing with that girl she don't look right."  Well I learned the hard way mom was right.

 My sons mom is absolutely out of her mind and not only is she out of her mind but her brother, her mother, and her sister are just as crazy.

 I have never ran across a FAMILY that was crazy. It might be one or two people, maybe a cousin, but nothing like this. I know some people (especially women) may say well was she crazy when you were making a baby. And my answer is a resounding.... YES!!!!

So I guess I derserve what I get or got. That's what my mom says.

 I am trying to figure out a way to explain what I mean by crazy. I will put down some things that happened and let you be the judge.

Crazy #1:  Her Brother Eric

My son is 16 yrs old his uncle Eric is 40 something.  When my son was I think 8 or 9 his mom (Cynthia) and her brother (Eric) were living together. My son had a bunch of toys and I purchased most of them.

I'm being nice I purchased damn near all of them. Anyway Eric felt like the apartment they were living in was getting to crowded and he decided to make space.

He gathered all of my sons toys, WHICH HE HAD NOT BOUGHT ONE TOY and he sold them.

 I found out he got about $300 dollars from selling them and didn't give my son 1 penny. I didn't know he had sold them and my son eventually told me his toys had been sold.

Livid doesn't even begin to describe how I felt.  I had a conversation as nice as I could with his mother and she told me she didn't like what her brother did either, but yet and still she did nothing. My son actually saved Eric a beating, but that's another story.

But that's an old story,something more recent. Christmas (12-25-2015).

 My son is the go-for of that family he is the one who always has to get something from the kitchen or basement or anyplace.

His cousin Xavier who is 23 or 24 yes old TOLD, not ask, but TOLD my 16 yr old son to put some bottled water in the refrigerator. My son told him why don't you do it!?  Xavier said, "because I have a plate in my hand."

 My son is not a fast thinker but when he was telling me this story I said he should have told Xavier, "Then put the plate down!"

My son said he wished he had thought to say that.  Anyway my sons grandfather stepped in and told my son to put the bottled water in the refrigerator. So my son reluctantly starts doing so.

Imagine bending over picking up the water and placing it in the refrigerator.

Eric comes into the kitchen and sees my son putting water in the fridge. As my son is bending over he walks over to my son turns around so his back-side is in my sons face and this dumb stupid azz 40-something yr old man farts!!

In my sons face.

My son screams at him, "Man that was foul!"

This goofy Mr. Ed looking dude starts laughing. He thinks that's funny.

My family right now wants to put a hurtin on this guy. This guy I believe stays in hiding because when I see him.....anyaway, I ask my son, "Why didn't you tell your mom what he did."

He said, "She wouldn't have done anything."

I called her and left her a message on her cell phone letting her know once again as nice  as I could how I felt about it.

Some of you may be wondering why I don't call Eric, the smart ones reading this will know a COWARD azz man will not pick up the phone a COWARD azz man will not face a MAN. And Eric is a COWARD azz boy,   Anyway let me get to the conclusion.

My sons mom has a talk with my son and let's him listen to the voicemail message I left. Basically she just asks my son what happened and that's it.

 From what my son told me she never had a conversation with her brother about doing something that foul and nasty.

How a 40 something yr old man could do that to a 16 yr old, his nephew yet, and think it's funny is beyond me.

 Fast forward a few days later. My son and his mom are riding in her truck. My son farts in the truck. His mom calls him a hypocrite because he didn't like Eric farting in his face but he (my son) farts in her truck.

He called me and told me this a few minutes after she said that to him.

I said to my son, " YOU DIDNT FART IN SOME ONES FACE!!!"

My son feels that no matter what her family does to him she will ALWAYS be against him and be on her brothers and sisters side.

I've said enough but writing this is good therapy for me.

The list of things they have done to my son is very very long. I'm talking 16 yrs worth and the things they have done are unbelievable.

I should add she does have one more brother his name is Chris he's the youngest and he is the only one out of them that is straight up. He sees things the way they are. It's funny how the last one is the smartest.

 There will be more coming as I write about each one of these crazy azz people.  This is just one of the things Eric has done to my son. I will write about them all and then I will move onto his aunt Felicia.

The video below by this young lady really sums it all up for me...I have had conversations with my boys and I have told them, " DO NOT watch your mother too closely....As a matter of fact do not watch her at all!"....Check it out...

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