Wednesday, October 9, 2019

What's Going On?!!

I should probably say what in the world is going on?!! Everything seems to be falling apart. Not just in one geographical location but the world. Since I have been alive there has always been a war somewhere. That is something to think about, throughout my life there has always been a war somewhere! Writing it terrifies me more. Now terror is the new weapon. Think about the word "terror". When I think of a horror movie I think of terror. Has life turned into one great big horror movie? Some would argue there are more good days than bad, and they would be correct. I believe in a war, fighting is not constant and everyday, so it could also be argued that war has it's good days as well as bad. Thank God I have personally never had to go to war, (Not counting women in my life) and my sons have never had to experience that horror. I believe in the bible and I believe that Jesus is our lord and saviour. I also believe that to appreciate anything you have to learn how to appreciate it. What I mean is when you're hungry and you eat. Think if you were stranded somewhere with no food. Think about when you're thirsty and you have no water. When it's cold and you have no heat. You learn to appreciate. I titled this "What's Going On". Not expecting an answer nor having one. I feel as if I'm living in a world of too many dignitaries and not enough common people. Some of the decision making from leaders in the world are absurd. I marvel at how an adult can make a decision that has no merit, no understanding and makes absolutely no sense! The world is made up of people not political parties. If you belong to a political party and some one else belongs to a different party, what really is the problem? If our ideas are different and there is no compromise let's shake hands have a beer and improve the world. To me violence is never a solution. It's a very last resort and to me it's only if I am being invaded. But there are "adults", I stress the word "adults" that will see violence as the only answer. And that answer is only to say, "you better see it my way or I'll bomb you". When you think about the threat that is upon us all it's violence and destruction. I feel as if some one is saying, "Let's keep them all in line with the threat of annihilation". Police action has gotten out of control. I realize you can't please everyone and there are people who are selfish and only care about themselves. I am not looking at the world from a naive point of view. And I am also not looking at the world from a robotic point of view either. No one can tell me it's raining outside when actually it's a bright sunny day. Protecting the public is not by telling the public lies. And please do not try and tell me in the interest of my own safety I do not need to know. Because if it is in the interest of my own safety I definitely need to know. Anyway I'm not really going anywhere with this, it's just a way for me to vent and write about What's Going On in my head. Thanks for reading and God Bless you.

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